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    Your body is extraordinary

    Gail believes the human body is an exceptional organism, with the ability to heal and recover from most ailments and problems if all systems and functions are operating normally.


    When these systems are working optimally, the body can resist and fight almost anything including stress, infection, common viruses and physical issues such as back pain. However, when one part of the body is compromised or damaged, the overall system will not work in perfect harmony and ill health may result in unexpected ways.


    The human body is enormously efficient at healing itself and often requires very little intervention to facilitate 'excellent health'.  However, it is the nature of diagnosis and treatment where the medical industry and many alternative therapy professionals depart allegiance.

    Medicine & alternative therapies

    Very generally speaking, Medical Practitioners aim to isolate issues and provide treatment directly to the offending physical location - a cause and effect relationship that can be observed and measured.  Medical treatment is highly regulated and developed through "Evidence Based Science" and is one of the most valuable contributions to human health in modern history.


    Alternative therapies, some dating centuries before Evidence Based Science began, focus on holistic practices.  Balance, harmony and synergy are the guiding principles enabling the body to heal itself.   Understanding why symptoms arise is paramount, as opposed to treating a local issue in isolation.


    Medicine is often a dramatic and fast treatment practice, whereas most alternative therapies are slower, encouraging the body to do the work itself.  Both have a valid place in health.


    Alternative therapies are increasingly being studied and used in every day medicine, some with exceptional results.  The lines are blurring and importantly, people's health is improving as a result of the wider choices and modalities available.

    Professional synergy

    A large number of Gail's patients had previously experienced ineffective treatment from both medical and alternative therapies practitioners.   Gail is often sought for a second opinion regarding diagnosis or chronic illness treatment plans.

    She also treats a number of people experiencing significant side effects from medical interventions who may be  seeking relief and a different perspective.


    In many cases, through Gail observing patients with fresh eyes, she has suggested radically different causes for symptoms based on an alternative professional perspective.  Her findings are freely shared with patient's medical practitioners and can result in revised treatment with excellent results.


    Gail does not disregard, disagree with or reject any diagnosis or treatment from any source. Rather, she seeks to understand the 'complete picture' using a variety of modalities and works in conjunction with professional medical opinion to explore a patient's complex issues.

    No-one has all the answers

    Health treatment should never be about 'medical vs. alternative' and pitting any profession against another.  All are valid and have varying degrees of success for a variety of ailments and issues.


    Further to this, there is a great deal in the human body no-one understands at all, so treatments in general will continue to evolve and all professions have a place with information to share.


    If you are currently suffering, have unanswered questions, feel you don't have a complete picture regarding your symptoms or simply want a professional second opinion, please do get in touch.

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