What to expect at your treatment
Treatments are all undertaken with respect and confidentiality.
Patients are requested to observe appointment start times and allow a period to arrive and complete a case file at least 5 mins prior to the start time.
First Visit
Your first appointment is conducted as an 'initial consultation' and will be approximately 1 hour. This is to allow ample time to explore your history, existing treatments and all issues being experienced. It is very important to cover as much ground as possible.
Regular visits
All standard appointments are approximately half an hour consultation.
Gail advocates mutual respect for one another's time so requests all patients exercise punctuality with appointment times. However she politely requests consideration if appointments overrun due to any travel issues and/or complex patient cases.
Ongoing support
Gail can be available for support services out of hours during particular and specific periods of treatment. This is strictly by agreement only and on a case by case basis. Generally the receptionists are available to pass on simple messages or requests during office hours so that immediate replies are possible.
Your current health programme
Gail needs to understand everything you are experiencing, eating, drinking, ingesting and using to aid or restore your health. Please try to be as detailed as possible - it really does make an enormous difference.
What to wear
For Osteopathic treatment, it is advised to wear loose fitting clothing, allowing a good range of movement for your legs and arms. Treatment may involve manipulating your body gently to restore balance and is far easier without restrictive clothing.
In some cases, a practitioner may require visual confirmation of your spine, hips and other skeletal components. This may require removing an article of clothing such as a shirt to observe movement, restriction and general alignment. Treatment may also require non intrusive touch to both diagnose and treat specific areas.
For Naturopathic treatments or analysis, people are generally not required to undress although certain conditions may require specific visual confirmation.
What to bring with you
If you are taking medication, special dietary products and any other natural remedy or product, please bring it along or at least the written product names and doses. This can be very important, no matter how insignificant you might think it to be.
Please also bring any past x-rays, MRIs, lab results, test results or similar that may be associated with your issue and treatment. If in doubt, bring it anyway.
Payment terms
All new client appointments require 50% deposit on payment card to confirm a booking. Card payments are processed by phone using a secure, 3rd party, card processing provider. No payment card details are stored at any time.
All other appointments require payment to be made in full at the time of the appointment. At present, only Cash or Cheque payments are accepted. Please note that an ATM is nearby and should be visited prior to the appointment if cash is the preferred payment method.
Cancellations are permitted up to 24 hours prior to the appointment time. However, Gail requests that any known cancellations be made as soon as possible.
Cancellation inside the 24 hour period prior to a scheduled appointment automatically requires payment of 50% of the scheduled appointment fee.
Osteopathic treatments cannot be claimed against private health insurance as Gail took the decision to resign from the General Osteopathic Council register.
Please contact the clinic for references to other treatments and specific classifications.
Personal data & information
All personal data and patient records are kept in the strictest confidence. Data and records are not shared with anyone or any 3rd party whatsoever, for any reason, without the patient's express written permission. For a full description of our privacy policies please visit our privacy page